AI_World Member List
This is the complete list of members for
AI_World, including all inherited members.
addAgent(AI_Agent *ptr_agent) | AI_World | [inline] |
AI_World(void) | AI_World | [inline] |
disableActor(AI_Actor *ptr_actor) | AI_World | [inline] |
enableActor(AI_Actor *ptr_actor) | AI_World | [inline] |
findWay(AI_Actor &actor) | AI_World | [inline] |
getAutoDisableDistance(void) const | AI_World | [inline] |
getAutoEnableDisablePivot(void) | AI_World | [inline] |
getAutoEnableDistance(void) const | AI_World | [inline] |
getDBVersion(void) | AI_World | [inline] |
getEnabledActors(void) | AI_World | [inline] |
getHero(void) | AI_World | [inline] |
getNavigationMesh(void) | AI_World | [inline] |
getNearAgents(const AI_Vector3 &v_position, const float f_range, AI_Agent::AgentArray &arr_near_agents, AI_Agent *ptr_agent_exclude=NULL) | AI_World | |
getNearestSurfacePosition(const AI_Vector3 &v_position, float radius, bool cylinder, AI_Vector3 &v_nearest_position) | AI_World | [inline] |
isAutoDisable(void) const | AI_World | [inline] |
isAutoEnable(void) const | AI_World | [inline] |
isOnSurface(const AI_Vector3 &v_pos) | AI_World | [inline] |
isWideAgents(void) | AI_World | [inline] |
m_arr_enabled_actors | AI_World | [protected] |
m_arr_temp_actors | AI_World | [protected] |
m_b_auto_disable | AI_World | |
m_b_auto_enable | AI_World | |
m_b_wide_agents | AI_World | |
m_d_time_auto_enable | AI_World | [protected] |
m_dw_db_version | AI_World | [protected] |
m_f_disable_dist | AI_World | [protected] |
m_f_enable_dist | AI_World | [protected] |
m_list_agents | AI_World | [protected] |
m_navigation_mesh | AI_World | [protected] |
m_ref_actor_pivot | AI_World | [protected] |
m_ref_hero | AI_World | [protected] |
m_spatial_tree | AI_World | [protected] |
m_visible_elements | AI_World | [protected] |
removeAgent(AI_Agent *ptr_agent) | AI_World | [inline] |
setAutoDisable(bool b_enable) | AI_World | [inline] |
setAutoDisableDistance(const float f_dist) | AI_World | [inline] |
setAutoEnable(bool b_enable) | AI_World | [inline] |
setAutoEnableDisablePivot(AI_Actor *ptr_actor) | AI_World | [inline] |
setAutoEnableDistance(const float f_dist) | AI_World | [inline] |
setHero(AI_Actor *ptr_actor) | AI_World | [inline] |
setWideAgents(bool b) | AI_World | [inline] |
testVisibility(const AI_Vector3 &v_first, const AI_Vector3 &v_second) | AI_World | [inline] |
testWallDistance(const AI_Vector3 &v_first, const AI_Vector3 &v_second, float &f_distance) | AI_World | [inline] |
trigger(double d_time) | AI_World | |
updateSpatialElement(AI_SDB_SpatialElement *ptr_spatial_element, const AI_BBox &bbox_new) | AI_World | [inline] |
~AI_World(void) | AI_World | [inline] |