AI_SDB_SpatialHierarchyElement Class Reference
[Spatial Database]

#include <AI_SDB_SpatialElements.h>

Inheritance diagram for AI_SDB_SpatialHierarchyElement:

AI_SDB_SpatialElement AI_SDB_SpatialAABBTree AI_SDB_SpatialListHierarchy

List of all members.

Detailed Description

The interface for elements that contain sub-elements in some special manner.

This is for custom element containment methods. A hierarchy element contains sub-elements as well as some custom code to specially process those elements and decide which ones exist and which don't.

The query visitor will call one of the given query functions, depending on whether or not it is a spatial or a visibility query. When subclassing you should override the two query functions to properly decide one what elements to process. You can get data from the visitor (such as the viewpoint, for visibility visitors) to help decide. Then for each element, invoke Visit() on the visitor.

You can of course nest hierarchy elements inside other hierarchy elements, allowing you to produce an octree or quadtree type of structure. For a visibility query, typically the hierarchy will terminate at varying levels depending on the LOD required.

Public Member Functions

 AI_SDB_SpatialHierarchyElement ()
 ~AI_SDB_SpatialHierarchyElement ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AI_SDB_SpatialHierarchyElement::AI_SDB_SpatialHierarchyElement (  )  [inline]

AI_SDB_SpatialHierarchyElement::~AI_SDB_SpatialHierarchyElement (  )  [inline]

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