AI_NavigationMesh::Session Class Reference

#include <AI_NavigationMesh.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Path-finding session.

Session keeps temporary data for one pathfinding. Internally: Navigation mesh needs to be enhanced by two fake-corners for start and finish point. Session contains these corners as well as other possible data.

Public Member Functions

 Session ()
void setMission (const AI_Vector3 &v_start, const AI_Vector3 &v_final)
 Set start and final point for the pathfinding.
void setWidth (const float f_width)
 Set width (radius) of an agent.
void getWay (AI_Array< AI_Vector3 > &arr_way)
 Copy founded way into given array.

Protected Member Functions

void reset (void)
 Reset session for new pathfinding.
void resetCorner (Corner &corner)
 Reset corner for new pathfidning.

Protected Attributes

Corner m_corner_start
 Start fake-corner.
Corner m_corner_final
 Final fake corner.
Vertex m_vertex_start
 Vertex of the start corner.
Vertex m_vertex_final
 Vertex of the final corner.
AI_AStar::Session m_session_astar
 Session in A* graph pathfidning.
float m_f_width
 Width of an agent (radius).
bool m_b_direct_way
 Founded way is direct way from start point to final point.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AI_NavigationMesh::Session::Session (  )  [inline]


Member Function Documentation

void AI_NavigationMesh::Session::setMission ( const AI_Vector3 v_start,
const AI_Vector3 v_final 
) [inline]

Set start and final point for the pathfinding.

void AI_NavigationMesh::Session::setWidth ( const float  f_width  )  [inline]

Set width (radius) of an agent.

void AI_NavigationMesh::Session::getWay ( AI_Array< AI_Vector3 > &  arr_way  ) 

Copy founded way into given array.

void AI_NavigationMesh::Session::reset ( void   )  [inline, protected]

Reset session for new pathfinding.

void AI_NavigationMesh::Session::resetCorner ( Corner corner  )  [inline, protected]

Reset corner for new pathfidning.

Member Data Documentation

Start fake-corner.

Final fake corner.

Vertex of the start corner.

Vertex of the final corner.

Session in A* graph pathfidning.

Width of an agent (radius).

Founded way is direct way from start point to final point.

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