AI_NavigationMesh Class Reference

#include <AI_NavigationMesh.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Navigation mesh for agent pathfinding.

Navigation mesh (navmesh) represents surface along which the agents could walk. Navmesh is constructed from vertices, triangles and edges. Triangles and border edges are using clockwise order of vertices and navmesh is in right handed coordinate system. Each border edge must have exactly two adjacent edges. Navmesh should not contain duplicate vertices.

Once the navmesh is built up then it must be preprocessed before it is used to find some way. You can also enable or disable wide agents support. When this option is turned off then pathfinding is significantly faster in navmeshes with high local complexity.

Navigation mesh should be as easy as possible due to performance issues. This requirement considers two basic rules:

It is clear that both these rules couldn't be adhere at 100% but the creator of the navmesh shoud keep these rules in his mind.

Navigation mesh of course should be meaningfull. It should represents compat area.

Here are examples of navigation meshes:


Example of inadvisable navigation mesh

There are unreasonable many inner vertices and fragmented border edges. This mesh will work but it is not optimal.


Example of inadvisable navigation mesh

Small obstacles shoudl be solved with AI_Obstacle inserted into the world. This example will work but it is not optimal.


Example of totaly wrong navigation mesh

This example will lead to crash in preprocess time because 2d projections of adjacent triangles intersect. This navigationmash has no meaning.


Example of fine navigation mesh

This is well created navigation mesh which leads to good stability and performance.

1) PROBABLY SOLVED IN 1.25: If agent is standing exactly on the corner and finish is visible from agent's standing point then founded way is not shortest way.

2) PROBABLY SOLVED IN 1.25: If wide agents is turned on and agent is standing near to any corner then it sometimes go to this corner first instead to go to visible corner in direction of final point.

1.25 (11.1.2007)
  • bug fixed: singularity in ray-edge intersection solved

1.21 (18.8.2006)

1.2 (21.10.2005)

  • Internal structures (Vertex, Triangle...) are pointer based (instead of index based)
  • Navigation mesh session
  • findWay() gain session as only parameter

1.0 Initial release.

Jindrich Rohlik

Public Types

enum  { INVALID_INDEX = 0xffff }
typedef AI_Array< Vertex * > VertexArray
 Array of vertices.
typedef VertexArray::iterator VertexArrayIt
 Iterator to array of vertices.
typedef AI_Array< Edge * > EdgeArray
 Array of edges.
typedef EdgeArray::iterator EdgeArrayIt
 Iterator to array of edges.
typedef AI_Array< Triangle * > TriangleArray
 Array of triangles.
typedef TriangleArray::iterator TriangleArrayIt
 Iterator to array to triangles.
typedef AI_Array< Corner * > CornerArray
 Array of corners.
typedef CornerArray::iterator CornerArrayIt
 Iterator to array of corners.

Public Member Functions

 AI_NavigationMesh (void)
 Deafult constructor.
 ~AI_NavigationMesh (void)
ai_index addVertex (const AI_Vector3 &v_vertex)
 Add vertex into navigation mesh.
ai_index addTriangle (ai_index i_v1, ai_index i_v2, ai_index i_v3)
 Add triangle into navigation mesh.
ai_index addEdge (ai_index i_t1, ai_index i_t2, ai_index i_v1, ai_index i_v2)
 Add edge into navigation mesh.
VertexgetVertex (ai_index i) const
 Return vertex by index.
TrianglegetTriangle (ai_index i) const
 Return triangle by index.
EdgegetEdge (ai_index i) const
 Return edge by index.
bool preprocess (void)
 Preprocess navigation mesh.
bool findWay (Session &session)
 Find a way between start and final positions.
bool testVisibility (const AI_Vector3 &v_first, const AI_Vector3 &v_second)
 Test direct visibility between two points.
const bool testBorderIntersection (const AI_Vector3 &v_first, const AI_Vector3 &v_second, float &f_distance)
 Test whether line between two points intersects the border.
void clear (void)
 Destroy all data in navigation mesh.
const AI_AStargetVisibilityGraph (void) const
 Return visiblity graph associated with navigation mesh.
void setWideAgents (bool b_support=true)
 Turn on/of wide agents support.
bool isWideAgents (void) const
 Test if wide agents are supported.
bool isPreprocessed (void) const
 Test if navigation mesh was successfully preprocessed.
TriangleidentifyTriangle (const AI_Vector3 &v_coord)
 Return nearest triangle to position.
bool getNearestPosition (const AI_Vector3 &v_position, float width, bool cylinder, AI_Vector3 &v_nearest_position)
 Return nearest position on navigation mesh to given position and width, which defines sphere or infinite Y axis aligned cylinder - depending on state of cylinder parameter.

Protected Attributes

VertexArray m_arr_vertices
TriangleArray m_arr_triangles
EdgeArray m_arr_edges
CornerArray m_arr_corners
AI_SDB_SpatialAABBTree m_spatial_tree
 Spatial tree with all triangles.
AI_SDB_VisibilityVisitor::VisibleElements m_spatial_elements
 Pointers to all spatial elements (bboxes with pointers to triangles).
AI_SDB_VisibilityVisitor::VisibleElements m_visible_elements
 Array of selected visible elements.
AI_AStar m_astar
 A* algorithm and graph.
Informator m_astar_informator
 A* informator.
bool m_b_preprocessed
 Preprocessed flag.
bool m_b_wide_agents
 Support wide agents flag.


struct  Bundle
class  Corner
class  Edge
class  Informator
class  PointVisitor
class  Session
class  Triangle
class  Vertex

Member Typedef Documentation

Array of vertices.

Iterator to array of vertices.

Array of edges.

Iterator to array of edges.

Array of triangles.

Iterator to array to triangles.

Array of corners.

Iterator to array of corners.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

INVALID_INDEX  First invalid index.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AI_NavigationMesh::AI_NavigationMesh ( void   ) 

Deafult constructor.

AI_NavigationMesh::~AI_NavigationMesh ( void   ) 


Member Function Documentation

ai_index AI_NavigationMesh::addVertex ( const AI_Vector3 v_vertex  ) 

Add vertex into navigation mesh.

ai_index AI_NavigationMesh::addTriangle ( ai_index  i_v1,
ai_index  i_v2,
ai_index  i_v3 

Add triangle into navigation mesh.

ai_index AI_NavigationMesh::addEdge ( ai_index  i_t1,
ai_index  i_t2,
ai_index  i_v1,
ai_index  i_v2 

Add edge into navigation mesh.

i_t1 Index of the first adjacent triangle of winged edge.
i_t2 Index of the second adjacent triangle of winged edge.
i_v1 Index of the first vertex of the edge.
i_v2 Index of the second vertex of the edge.

AI_NavigationMesh::Vertex * AI_NavigationMesh::getVertex ( ai_index  i  )  const [inline]

Return vertex by index.

AI_NavigationMesh::Triangle * AI_NavigationMesh::getTriangle ( ai_index  i  )  const [inline]

Return triangle by index.

AI_NavigationMesh::Edge * AI_NavigationMesh::getEdge ( ai_index  i  )  const [inline]

Return edge by index.

bool AI_NavigationMesh::preprocess ( void   ) 

Preprocess navigation mesh.

Prepare data, check well constructed mesh and build graph for A*.

bool AI_NavigationMesh::findWay ( AI_NavigationMesh::Session session  ) 

Find a way between start and final positions.

Vectors must not be exactly on navigation mesh surface but they should be as near as possible in case when there is more then one navigation mesh floor. Path is stored in a session could be retrieved through getWay() method.

bool AI_NavigationMesh::testVisibility ( const AI_Vector3 v_first,
const AI_Vector3 v_second 

Test direct visibility between two points.

const bool AI_NavigationMesh::testBorderIntersection ( const AI_Vector3 v_first,
const AI_Vector3 v_second,
float &  f_distance 

Test whether line between two points intersects the border.

v_first First point of line segment (must lie on navigation mesh)
v_second Second point of tested line segment (need not to lie on navigation mesh)
f_distance If method returns true then third patameter contains distance from the first point in which the line intersects border.
Return true if line segment intersects border. Return false if line segment doesn't intersect border (f_distance is set to infinity) or if first point doesn't lie on navigation mesh (f_distance is set to 0).

void AI_NavigationMesh::clear ( void   ) 

Destroy all data in navigation mesh.

const AI_AStar & AI_NavigationMesh::getVisibilityGraph ( void   )  const [inline]

Return visiblity graph associated with navigation mesh.

void AI_NavigationMesh::setWideAgents ( bool  b_support = true  )  [inline]

Turn on/of wide agents support.

bool AI_NavigationMesh::isWideAgents ( void   )  const [inline]

Test if wide agents are supported.

bool AI_NavigationMesh::isPreprocessed ( void   )  const [inline]

Test if navigation mesh was successfully preprocessed.

AI_NavigationMesh::Triangle * AI_NavigationMesh::identifyTriangle ( const AI_Vector3 v_coord  ) 

Return nearest triangle to position.

bool AI_NavigationMesh::getNearestPosition ( const AI_Vector3 v_position,
float  width,
bool  cylinder,
AI_Vector3 v_nearest_position 

Return nearest position on navigation mesh to given position and width, which defines sphere or infinite Y axis aligned cylinder - depending on state of cylinder parameter.

Member Data Documentation





Spatial tree with all triangles.

Pointers to all spatial elements (bboxes with pointers to triangles).

Array of selected visible elements.

A* algorithm and graph.

A* informator.

Preprocessed flag.

Support wide agents flag.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: