AI_SDB_Camera Class Reference
[Spatial Database]

#include <AI_SDB_Camera.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Hold camera attributes.

Technically this sets the projection matrix which is used by spatial databse frustum visitor.

2.0 AI_SDB_Camera was ripped from The Nebula Device and renamed to AI_SDB_Camera. Now it is possible to use the class inside and outside Nebula projects.
(C) 2002, 2006 RadonLabs GmbH, Jindrich Rohlik

Public Types

enum  ClipStatus {
 clip status More...
enum  Type {
 type More...

Public Member Functions

 AI_SDB_Camera ()
 default constructor
 AI_SDB_Camera (float aov, float aspect, float nearp, float farp)
 arg constructor
void SetPerspective (float aov, float aspect, float nearp, float farp)
 set perspective projection parameters
void SetOrthogonal (float w, float h, float nearp, float farp)
 set orthogonal projection parameters
void SetType (Type t)
 set projection type
Type GetType () const
 get projection type
void SetWidth (float w)
 set view volume width (ortho only)
float GetWidth () const
 get view volume width (ortho only)
void SetHeight (float h)
 set view volume height (ortho only)
float GetHeight () const
 get view volume height (ortho only)
void SetAngleOfView (float a)
 set angle of view in degree
float GetAngleOfView () const
 get angle of view
void SetAspectRatio (float r)
 set horizontal/vertical aspect ratio (i.e. (4.0 / 3.0))
float GetAspectRatio () const
 get aspect ratio
void SetNearPlane (float v)
 set near clip AI_Plane
float GetNearPlane () const
 get near clip AI_Plane
void SetFarPlane (float v)
 set far clip AI_Plane
float GetFarPlane () const
 set far clip AI_Plane
const AI_Matrix44GetProjection ()
 get a projection matrix representing the camera
const AI_Matrix44GetInvProjection ()
 get the inverse of the projection
const AI_BBoxGetBox ()
 get a bounding box enclosing the camera
void GetViewVolume (float &minx, float &maxx, float &miny, float &maxy, float &minz, float &maxz) const
 Get the view volume.
ClipStatus GetClipStatus (const AI_Matrix44 &myTransform, const AI_Matrix44 &otherViewProjection)
 check if 2 view volumes intersect

Member Enumeration Documentation

clip status




Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AI_SDB_Camera::AI_SDB_Camera (  )  [inline]

default constructor

AI_SDB_Camera::AI_SDB_Camera ( float  aov,
float  aspect,
float  nearp,
float  farp 
) [inline]

arg constructor

Member Function Documentation

void AI_SDB_Camera::SetPerspective ( float  aov,
float  aspect,
float  nearp,
float  farp 
) [inline]

set perspective projection parameters

void AI_SDB_Camera::SetOrthogonal ( float  w,
float  h,
float  nearp,
float  farp 
) [inline]

set orthogonal projection parameters

void AI_SDB_Camera::SetType ( Type  t  )  [inline]

set projection type

AI_SDB_Camera::Type AI_SDB_Camera::GetType (  )  const [inline]

get projection type

void AI_SDB_Camera::SetWidth ( float  w  )  [inline]

set view volume width (ortho only)

float AI_SDB_Camera::GetWidth (  )  const [inline]

get view volume width (ortho only)

void AI_SDB_Camera::SetHeight ( float  h  )  [inline]

set view volume height (ortho only)

float AI_SDB_Camera::GetHeight (  )  const [inline]

get view volume height (ortho only)

void AI_SDB_Camera::SetAngleOfView ( float  a  )  [inline]

set angle of view in degree

float AI_SDB_Camera::GetAngleOfView (  )  const [inline]

get angle of view

void AI_SDB_Camera::SetAspectRatio ( float  r  )  [inline]

set horizontal/vertical aspect ratio (i.e. (4.0 / 3.0))

float AI_SDB_Camera::GetAspectRatio (  )  const [inline]

get aspect ratio

void AI_SDB_Camera::SetNearPlane ( float  v  )  [inline]

set near clip AI_Plane

float AI_SDB_Camera::GetNearPlane (  )  const [inline]

get near clip AI_Plane

void AI_SDB_Camera::SetFarPlane ( float  v  )  [inline]

set far clip AI_Plane

float AI_SDB_Camera::GetFarPlane (  )  const [inline]

set far clip AI_Plane

const AI_Matrix44 & AI_SDB_Camera::GetProjection (  )  [inline]

get a projection matrix representing the camera

Get the projection matrix representing the camera. This will only recompute the matrix if it is marked as dirty. The returned matrixed is identical to the result of D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovRH() (see DX9 docs for details).

const AI_Matrix44 & AI_SDB_Camera::GetInvProjection (  )  [inline]

get the inverse of the projection

Get the inverse of the projection matrix.

const AI_BBox & AI_SDB_Camera::GetBox (  )  [inline]

get a bounding box enclosing the camera

Get the bounding box enclosing the view frustum defined by the camera.

void AI_SDB_Camera::GetViewVolume ( float &  minx,
float &  maxx,
float &  miny,
float &  maxy,
float &  minz,
float &  maxz 
) const [inline]

Get the view volume.

minx the left x coord where view volume cuts near AI_Plane
maxx the right x coord where view volume cuts near AI_Plane
miny the upper y coord where view volume cuts near AI_Plane
maxy the lower y coord where view volume cuts near AI_Plane
minz distance from eye to near AI_Plane of view volume
maxz distance from eye to far AI_Plane of view volume

AI_SDB_Camera::ClipStatus AI_SDB_Camera::GetClipStatus ( const AI_Matrix44 myTransform,
const AI_Matrix44 otherViewProjection 
) [inline]

check if 2 view volumes intersect

Check if 2 view volumes intersect.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: